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CSE Advising has finally moved to ticketing system

Fast version: For ugrad or vgrad help, you still email ugrad-advisor@cs or vgrad-advisor@cs but the new ticketing system means we can track things easier


Longer version:

Hey folks!

We are finally ‘modernizing’ and moving to a ticketing system for ugrad and vgrad emails. What does this mean? Well, hopefully, it means there is a less likely chance your email will get lost or misplaced. You should also be able to check in on a message to see if there has been progress made. We hope this will improve your overall customer experience with CSE Advising.

There are a few things YOU can do to help this process move along more easily. First, if you are emailing ugrad-advisor@cs or vgrad-advisor@cs please try to use your @cs email address. If you need to use a gmail or other email account, please include your CSE netID somewhere in the message so that we can more easily link messages to your profile in our ticketing system.

Instead of writing directly to an individual advisor, you might be better served writing to ugrad-advisor@cs and putting ‘Dear “suzy” or whoever your intended recipient is in the first line, and then it will quickly be routed to that person. The benefit of doing things this way is that we will be able to see the full history of questions and answers for students so we’ll have better context in answering your questions. Of course, if you are discussing something you only want an individual advisor to see, you are always still more than welcome to address them directly.

For most routine questions however, we’d like to encourage everyone to use the ugrad-advisor@cs or vgrad-advisor@cs email address.

There will likely be a bit of a transition period when we are all learning to use the new system, but but start of winter we hope this will serve everyone’s needs better.

Crystal & the CSE Advising Team

December 4, 2017