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Upcoming ACM Events

Hey all!


This is a long email, please read through ’til the end! First, congratulations for making it through career fair week. Now that we’ve made it through, we’d like you remind you of some upcoming events.


Interview Prep: Have some upcoming technical interviews? We’re having an interview prep session Tuesday 10/31, 5:30-6:30pm in CSE 403. We’ll be going over some example interview questions.


Fall Fest: Friday 11/3 5:30pm in the Atrium. This is our annual event and our big social event for the quarter. It’s open to anyone in CSE that does not have significant snack overflow debt (you can pay it off anytime next week before Fall Fest!) There will be food, music, games (and alcohol if you’re 21+) and more importantly a chance to talk to people outside of the context of classes, work, stress, the labs, etc. Come with friends and make new friends there, we’d love to see you!!


Volunteers for Fall Fest: We also need volunteers to help us set up and clean up for Fall Fest. This is a great opportunity to get involved with ACM and get to know some of the officers! Let us know if you’re interested and available using this form.


Research Night: This night is aimed at undergrads looking for research opportunities or just curious about what the labs in CSE are currently up to. There will be introductory lightning talks where a representative from each lab will give an overview of their work, and then the labs will be open for the night and you can go around to the different labs and talk to grad students. This will most likely happen over two separate evenings. The date and time will be finalized soon, but we wanted to let you know that this event is coming!


Social Media: follow us on Instagram at uwacm and we’ll follow you back! We’ll be using this account to give you updates on our events and do spotlights on certain students. Also we have a Snapchat at the same name.


Have a good weekend, go soak up some sun!



October 27, 2017