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Announcing CSE 301 – Internship Credit!


Big news: the Allen School is taking internship credit in-house starting internships scheduled for this summer! CSE 301 offers students the opportunity to explore and develop their careers through professional practice.
  • For full-time internships, register for credit the quarter you come back from internship – no extra fees!
  • You get 2 credits for full-time internships, 1 credit for part-time
  • First 2 credits count towards CSE senior electives, after that credit counts towards general electives
  • Assignments include a short pre- and post-assessment of skills, internship report, updated resume, and employer evaluation. See syllabus for more information.
If you have an internship this summer and want to sign up: 
  1. Read carefully through all online information:
  2. Fill out registration survey here for add code (linked on the above page)
  3. You will be emailed with an add code by the start of Period 2 registration

If you have already signed up for CPT or internship credit for this summer through the College of Engineering (ENGR 321): 

  • We encourage you to stick with ENGR 321 for this summer rather than redo your CPT paperwork.  If this is a concern for you, please check in.
If you have questions or concerns, please email Jenifer <>
May 11, 2017