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Student volunteer trip to Ecuador this summer!

Medical volunteer trip to Ecuador!
August 11-20, 2017
through Timmy Global health, sponsored by Microsoft

Hello CSE students! I’m working with Microsoft and Timmy Global Health to coordinate a student volunteer trip to Ecuador this summer, providing medical outreach to rural communities in the Amazon. The goals of the trip are to engage students in volunteer work and to increase access to basic healthcare. Microsoft is sponsoring the trip through scholarships, coordination, and volunteers.

  • The trip runs Aug 11-20, including travel days, free time, and 5 days working in clinics
  • No medical skills necessary. 🙂  Participants must be enthusiastic about working with a close and diverse team in a challenging environment.
  • Spanish skills are not necessary, but native and fluent Spanish speakers are highly encouraged to participate!
  • The trip cost is $1,325 plus airfare (roughly $900). Microsoft will provide scholarships for some participants. Scholarship decisions will be made before you need to commit to the trip.
  • Participants must commit to the trip by May 12; if you have a summer internship, you should talk to your host about taking this time off now, or before committing to the trip.

About Timmy Global Health and Microsoft:
Timmy Global Health is a non-profit bringing basic medical care to communities in Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, and Guatemala. Timmy works closely with local organizations and professionals to ensure their work supports local services in appropriately and sustainably. Microsoft employees have supported Timmy for more than 15 years, through annual volunteer trips and fundraising.

More info:
Read more trip details here.
Read about the Timmy nonprofit organization here.
Talk to me (Raven)! I’ve volunteered twice with Microsoft-sponsored Timmy trips.

To participate:
Apply online here.

March 30, 2017