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Spring Quarter Notes for 2017

A few spring quarter notes for everyone:

  1. Welcome back! We hope you had a nice, restful (perhaps too quick) spring break and are ready for one last run through the quarter.
  2. If you are still trying to get into a full CSE course, please attend the first day, put your name on the overload request form, and then wait with patience. Unless your situation is highly unusual, showing up to dropins this week won’t be helpful. You just need to wait.  We will try to have all decisions made by Friday.
  3. If you don’t have ANY CSE courses yet, please put that note on the overload request form.
  4. If you are planning to graduate this spring and have NOT applied yet, you have until the 3rd Friday of this quarter to submit your final paperwork.
  5. If you plan to graduate in fall or winter, you should apply to graduate by May 4th, 2017 if you want graduating senior priority status for fall and winter next year.
  6. If you have to email the advisors about a section switch or anything course registration related: please include your student number, full name and the sln’s of the lecture and section in question

Thank you!

CSE Advising: Crystal, Raven, Jenifer, Maggie and Chloe

March 27, 2017