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CSE599c – Big Data Management Systems (Spring 2017)

New advanced graduate course offered this Spring 2017:

Course number: CSE599c
Title: Big Data Management Systems
Synopsis: Over the past fifteen years, many systems have emerged to help users manage and analyze large datasets. In this course, we will go over some of the most important and most popular big data management systems available today. We will discuss the design of each system and will experiment with the system through hands-on tutorials. In week 1, the course will start with a quick review of parallel database management systems and MapReduce/Hadoop. In weeks 2 and following, we will spend each week discussing and trying a different system. The systems that we will discuss will include Spark, Myria, Impala, Flink, GraphLab, Presto, Hyper, and others (the exact list of systems is subject to change).

The work in the course will include paper reading, co-leading one system tutorial,
and comparatively analyzing two (or more) systems along one (or more) dimensions.

Pre-requisite: CSE444 or CSE544 or equivalent.

Time: MW 9:30am-10:50am
Location: TBD

Instructor: Magdalena Balazinska
February 15, 2017