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[ACM][Newsletter] 1-3-2017

ACM | University of Washington


Weekly Newsletter
Syllabus Week
Welcome back!

ACM Swag
As everybody is probably aware, there is no way
for CSE u-grads to buy swag. We are therefore going to start making our own hoodies and t-shirts, with blackjack and hookers.
Well, unless you guys send in some better designs……

So, we’ll be accepting designs from now to 10th of Jan.
We’ll then shortlist the submissions and put them to vote.

Your only restriction is that it cannot have the UW or the CSE logo.

Email for
any questions or with your proposed design by January 10th.

Design! →
Own Swag

University of Washington, 185 E Stevens Way NE, Seattle, WA 98195
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January 3, 2017