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Football scores aside…. if you’re interested in USC’s graduate program, they are having an info session in Seattle tomorrow

Dear Ms. Eney,
On behalf of the University of Southern California, I’m pleased to inform you that I will be hosting an information session in Seattle next week to meet with students interested in advancing their education in engineering or computer science.  As we continue to have significant interest from students at University of Washington, I would like to ask if you may assist in sharing this invitation with your members.  Topics to be covered are application tips/criteria, and scholarship opportunities and application fee waivers for UW students.

Wednesday, November 16
Fairmont Olympic, Seattle


Many thanks in advance for your consideration.

Kind regards,

Camillia Lee
Assistant Dean
Graduate & Professional Programs
USC Viterbi School of Engineering



Camillia Lee
Assistant Dean, Graduate & International Recruitment
USC Viterbi School of Engineering
Annual Preview Days: Nov. 11 & Dec. 2

t: 213.821.1553 | e:
skype: camillia.lee

November 15, 2016