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[ACM] Newsletter

ACM | University of Washington


Weekly Newsletter!
That may or may not be weekly…
Your second reminder about research night!
Looking to get involved in research?
Want to find out about the awesome stuff CSE research labs are working on?
Just want to eat some cookies?
Come talk with some of the research labs in CSE and see what they’re up to and what opportunities are available for undergraduates!

Labs that are participating will be doing lightning talks about their work starting at 5, room TBD, and afterwards labs will have their doors open and you can drop by to chat with researchers at any time during the event.

Upcoming Events
Qualtrics office hours: 11/17, 1-3 p.m., table in Atrium
KRNL Labs office hours: 11/17, 2:30-3:30 p.m., table in Atrium
Microsoft office hours: 11/18, 1-3 p.m., table in Atrium

How to subscribe to our Calendar

  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left side, find “Other calendars” and click the down arrow .
  3. Select Add by URL
  4. Enter
    in the field provided.
  5. Click Add calendar. The calendar will appear on the left side under “Other calendars.”

University of Washington, 185 E Stevens Way NE, Seattle, WA 98195
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November 14, 2016