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Mock Technical Interviews next Thursday 11/3

CSE Undergraduates (only!),

All CSE majors who are looking for a full-time job or internship this year should consider participating in our CSE Mock Technical Interviews the evening of Thursday, November 3rd.  Several outstanding companies will be participating to run CSE students through a single half-hour simulated technical interview.  The sessions will place students one-on-one with a hiring manager or engineer who regularly conducts technical interviews.  Interview questions will include puzzles, logic, data structures, coding and more with a ten minute feedback session following.  Mock interviews will take place in the CSE building.

Registration is open now for all CSE students.  RSVP  here!

Registration will close at 9:00am on Tuesday, November 1.  Students will be informed of their interview time and (hopefully) interviewing company via email by the end of the day Tuesday.  I will inform all students who were not able to get interviews via email on Tuesday as well.

Students can choose one of three offered interview times from the linked sign-up form: 6:00-6:45 pm, 6:45-7:30 pm or 7:30-8:15 pm.  Space is limited.  Slots will be assigned in order of sign up and by considering both departmental seniority and who has completed internships in the past.

If you have any questions, please let me know!

October 27, 2016