From: Daniel Epstein <>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2016 14:06:01 -0700 Subject: ACM-ICPC Programming Contest
Hi all,
The UW Qualifier for the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) has been scheduled! It will take place on Saturday October 22nd. The top teams from UW will advance to the regional contest held November 5th at the University of Puget Sound. The top teams from around the region will qualify for the ICPC World Finals, this year is close by–Rapid City, South Dakota!
The contest itself is a lot of fun–you get to test your problem-solving skills on a set of algorithmic problems, eat free food, and compete for prizes! If you’re interested in learning more, I’m hosting an information meeting on Monday, October 10th at 5pm in CSE 203.
If you’re interested, please register a team of three people here. If you’d like to compete but are looking for teammates, you can put your name here to find others. The final deadline to register is Monday, October 17th.
TLDR with important dates:
– Monday, October 10, 5pm in CSE 203: information meeting (optional, but recommended for people who haven’t competed before)
– Monday, October 17, 5pm: final deadline to register a team (link)
– Saturday, October 22, 9am in EEB-105: contest starts
Finally, there’s a Facebook event for the contest! Invite your friends!
~Daniel Epstein