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We need mentors for new CSE Majors! Welcome night is Wed. Sept. 28th 430pm

Welcome back folks, it’s almost time to kick off the new year!

To do that effectively, we need veteran CSE majors (you have completed at least one quarter in the major) to mentor our new students, and we have a LOT of new majors.  Just over 300 to put things in perspective.  Ideally we’d have at least 75 mentors.  Even with 75, that means everyone will have a small group of mentees, 4-5 each.

Welcome night will be Wednesday, Sept. 28th from 430-630 approximately.  If you can help us out, please fill out the catalyst survey to volunteer. 

There will be burritos for those who participate, but the REAL reason to volunteer, is to help all of our new majors learn how welcoming and inclusive this community of undergraduates are here in UW CSE.

September 21, 2016