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Two new CSE undergrad seminars this Autumn

Hello, CSE majors! We have two fun new seminars for you this Autumn. Both are 1 credit, ungraded, and count as general UW electives (not toward CSE requirements).

CSE 390 E, Electronics Disassembly Seminar (sln 23372).
Meets Tues 1030-1120 in CSE 003.
Instructor: Vincent Lee
Have you ever wanted to take apart an XBox? Ever wanted to dissect a laptop but too afraid to take apart your own because you’ll lose all the screws or be too lazy to figure out how to put it back together? Then this is the seminar for you. The purpose of this seminar is literally to tear apart and disassemble electronic devices that we work with every day. We’ll break apart and look at a different device each week to explore what goes into your typical game consoles, laptops, and hard drives. The best part is we will NOT put them back together. Seminar requires weekly participation and one short presentation. No prerequisites. 1 unit. CR/NC grading. Course meets one hour a week Tuesdays at 10:30AM in CSE003.

CSE 390 A1, Android Programming Basics (sln 23377).
Meets Tues 230-320 in EEB 031.
Instructor: Sam Sudar
CSE 390X, Android Programming Basics, is a 1-credit, ungraded elective course designed to introduce students to Android programming. It is intended for students that have no prior experience with Android. Lectures will provide an overview of fundamental concepts, including Activities, Fragments, ContentProviders, AsyncTasks, Loaders, and SQLiteDatabase. It will emphasize industry standard practices, including unit testing and integration tests. The course should give students a solid foundation for using Android in future courses as well as for personal or professional projects. It will involve regular small assignments to familiarize students with the Android build environment and Android project structure. The course is modeled after the CSE 391 Unix tools class; those familiar with the structure of 391 will find the course familiar. CSE majors only. Prerequisites: CSE 331 required.

July 6, 2016