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PwC’s Cyber-Security Case Competition

PwC’s Cyber Security Case Competition is coming up!

The case competition models real-world business scenarios focusing on the cyber security issues currently facing companies all over the world. In just over a two-week period of time, you will work with a small team of students to review a business case, develop a solution, and create a presentation. Your team will then deliver your solution to a group of PwC professionals. Success is measured by three key criteria: critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. You will come away with valuable insights into our profession, our firm, and the issues faced by global business leaders.

Who can compete?

 University of Washington – Seattle undergraduate students with a graduation date of December 2016 or later

 All majors/minors are welcome, but relevant STEM majors/minors are strongly encouraged to participate. Those majors/minors include, but are not limited to: Data / Business Analytics, Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems, Technology Management and Informatics.

Teams will consist of 4 – 5 students. PwC will arrange teams for individuals who register, but we encourage you to build your own teams as well. If you have identified your own team, when registering (see below), please make sure to enter the names of all team members.


To register for the competition, visit by Wednesday, April 27th. Then, plan on joining us on Friday, April 29th at 12:30 pm for our kick-off meeting in Husky Union Building 340. Lunch will be provided.

Key Dates

Friday, April 29th – Kick-off Event and Team Introductions [UW Campus – HUB 340]

Wednesday, May 4th – Case Materials Distributed to Teams via email

Friday, May 13th – “Client” Interviews [30-minute interviews to be scheduled for each team]

Friday, May 20th – Final Presentations [UW Campus; each team will have 30-minutes to present sometime between 8:00am – 11:30 am]

Questions? Please reach out to Carrie Rees at

April 21, 2016