CSE 490D: Technology for the Developing World: Digital Financial Services This winter quarter we are offering a 1-credit, undergraduate reading seminar on technology in the developing world, with an emphasis on digital financial services. The purpose of the seminar is to provide an introduction to a research area at the intersection of computer science and global development. One of the mechanisms to bring people out of poverty is to increase access to financial services, including mobile money and savings instruments. To accomplish this, it is necessary to utilize multiple technologies that can be deployed in resource constrained environments.
The seminar will meet on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:20 pm, and will be coordinated by Richard Anderson (Anderson@cs) and Ruth Anderson (Rea@cs). The seminar will provide an introduction to the area of technology in the developing world and digital financial services through reading basic papers in the area.
The format will be discussion, with discussion leaders responsible for guiding a discussion (but not giving a full recap of the paper). There will be no papers or tests. The seminar is CR/no Cr. For more information, contact either of the instructors. The seminar is open for registration now to CS and CE majors.
22094 | CSE 490 | D | SM | 1 | SPECIAL TOPICS CSE |