Thursday, November 19th 5:30-7:30pm we have an exciting panel of past competition participants! REGISTER
innovative? find your people.
Have an idea? Now you just need to build it, create a plan, do some marketing and find funding. PHEW.
Don’t know how to do all of that? No worries.
We know people who can help you.
And, we have Prototype Funding $$$! We’ll tell you about that.
Come meet other students who share your interests. RSVP’s are helpful… November 19, Thursday, 5:30-7:30, HUB 145 + Panel of Past Participants
December 2, Thursday, 5:30–7:00, HUB 332
Yes, there will be food & refreshments.
Find out about…
Need team members? Come give a 1-minute idea pitch.
Want to join a team? Come listen to pitches and meet potential teammates. Students from all colleges and universities throughout the Pacific NW are welcome to attend. Teams are cross-disciplinary, undergrads and grads.
Questions? Contact us! Pam Tufts | Assistant Director Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge Dempsey Hall 227, 206.685-3813 UWEIC Facebook