All CE and CS students, please note we’re changing some CSE and EE courses. These changes are especially significant to CE majors, but are important for everyone to understand.
*CSE 477 (the Hardware Capstone) will become CSE/EE 475.
*CSE 352 is replaced by CSE 369 (formerly CSE 390C) AND CSE/EE 371. CSE 369 and CSE/EE 371 are required for all CE majors, and are electives for CS majors.
*CSE/EE 469 and 470 are new core courses. CSE 469 will include material about processors previously taught in 352. CSE 470 will be an updated version of CSE 471 covering higher-level computer architecture topics.
* EE 476 and 477 are also core courses. The prereqs will be updated to allow CSE 369 (for CSE majors) in place of EE 271.
Additionally, the CE requirements will be updated with a new set of Computer Engineering Systems Electives within the CE Senior Electives. This will give CE majors more options within their short list of 400-level electives. CS students will have access to these same courses, though the CS requirements are not changing.
Let us know if you have questions,
CSE Advising