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Take a short break from studying for finals and help volunteer for CS Education week THIS SATURDAY at UW CSE!

Please consider volunteering your time this Saturday during CS Education Open House.  We’ll have over 500 kids here (fyi, the labs will not be quiet Saturday afternoon).  Please take a few hours to donate your time to this worthy cause, introducing the next generation of CSE students to the great work we do here.


From Allison Obourn <>

Hello Undergraduates!

The CSE Open House is this Saturday, December 6th from 1 to 5pm. It is aimed at middle and high school students and is a lot of fun. We already have over 450 RSVPs!
I am looking for some volunteers to help out. Here are the activities I am trying to find presenters for:
– Makey Makey
     Show students how to make a banana piano!
– activities
      Show students activities
– Card Tricks
      Assist Whitaker or Adam with card tricks
– Scribbler Bots
      Help kids program little robots to move in patterns and take pictures
-Help set up and/or take down the atrium (putting up tables/chairs) before  (11AM-12PM) and/or after (5PM-6PM) the event.
Please email me (Allison Obourn <>) if you are interested in helping with any of these. You do not need to be familiar with any of them to volunteer. I’m happy to show you how they work and they are pretty quick to learn.   Also, if you can only help during certain times, let us know.
Allison Obourn <>
December 2, 2014