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From: Paula Cieszkiewicz <eauw.president@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 1:50 PM
Subject: UW Engineering Ambassadors Application Due Soon!
The Engineering Ambassadors team is looking for more members! We are growing in demand and need more students to fulfill the outreach requests that are coming in from local schools in the Pacific Northwest. Our application deadline for winter quarter is November 30, 2014 at midnight. We hope to see many students apply and get involved with this great STEM outreach group!
We also have an informational website with additional information that can address any questions students may have. And, of course, anyone can email me at eauw.president@gmail.com or the leadership team at uwengineeringambassadors@ gmail.com with further queries.
Paula Cieszkiewicz
UW Engineering Ambassadors President