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CSE Employer Panel Thursday 10/2

All CSE undergraduates who plan on pursuing an internship or full-time employment in 2014-15 (and this should be you!) should not miss our CSE Department sponsored Employer Panel this Thursday.


Employer Panel Quick Facts:

Day: Thursday, Ocbober 2, 2014  (this Thursday!)

Time: 5:30-6:30 pm

Place:  EE 125

No rsvp needed!


This event will feature a panel of CSE graduates and HR reps who will provide important information on the steps CSE undergraduates need to take in the coming months to land the internship or job of their dreams.  Student questions are very much encouraged.  You should leave this event with a much better understanding of the timing and direction of your upcoming job search.

The Employer Panel will be the  first in a series of highly recommended CSE career events designed to prepare CSE undergraduates for the job search process—you can check out the other October Career events at .

Please contact Jenifer <> for any additional information about this event.  We hope to see you there!


September 29, 2014