9:25 AM (5 hours ago)
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All future announcements this quarter for the Change Seminar will go out over our mailing list. If you are interested consider join the list and registaring for the course (CSE 590 C1, SLN: 12925).
What: Neha Kumar: Of Projectors, Mobiles, and Maternal Health
When: Tuesday, September 30 at 12pm
Where: The Allen Center, CSE 203
Neha is a postdoctoral researcher at UW CSE, where her research focuses on the design, production, and dissemination of visual media to address maternal and infant mortality in rural India. She recently completed her Ph.D. from the School of Information at UC Berkeley, where she conducted an ethnography of the adoption and self-guided uses of new media technologies of Indian youth from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds. Her research objective is to contribute a deeper, more grounded understanding of emerging uses and users to the field of ICTD and its interventions.
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