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Putnam Math competition – Math 380A class this fall

Dear CS majors,

With just one week left until the beginning of a new academic year, we
would like to send you a quick reminder (or announcement) for the Putnam
Mathematical Contest preparations sessions and the Math 380A class (“The
Art of Problem Solving”) connected to it.

Math 380A can be used as good preparation for anyone interested in
mathematical contest-taking (and as a stand-alone, it would make for a
very interesting, fun, and challenging class).

Are you a person who is intrigued by mathematical puzzles and beautiful
problems? Would you considering taking the Putnam exam? If so, we urge you
to think about registering for Math 380A. Let me emphasize registering,
not just auditing. It is important that you do the homework, in order to
learn, and there is more incentive for doing homework if you’re

Please check out

for the Putnam exam, and

for Math 380A, The Art of Problem Solving.

Wishing you all a great Autumn ’14 quarter,
Ioana Dumitriu and Julia Pevtsova

September 18, 2014