We have just opened 4 more spaces in CSE 481 – robotics capstone this fall. First come first served.
Please note the prerequisites have not officially changed, but in a few weeks will be changing. You should have
the following background before adding any capstone course.
CSE 481 Capstone Software Design (5, max. 15) Students work in teams to design and
implement a software project involving multiple areas of the CSE curriculum. Emphasis is
placed on the development process itself, rather than on the product. Prerequisite: Instructor
permission or CSE 332; CSE 351; and either CSE 331 or CSE 352; recommended that students
have completed 300-level courses and several 400-level CSE courses.
If you have the above prerequisites and can not register, please email the ugrad-advisor@cs email with your student number and the sln of the course you want us to help you add.
CSE Advising