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Engineering seminar: 2 credits, ungraded, super interesting!

Hey, CSE majors! If you want to discuss your work from a different perspective (and add 2 credits to your schedule), sign up for Engineering for Social Justice in fall!

ENGR 202E, FALL 2014



Join us this fall quarter for an innovative new seminar! We’ll ask questions like:

• Is technology political? Who wins when a dam is built and who loses when an engineer designs a robot?

• What is the relationship between engineering, technology, society, ecology, and health?

• How can engineers work for social justice at the drawing board and in their daily lives?

• Who do we engineer for? Who defines the problems we solve? Whose work is considered engineering?

• Why are women and people of color still so underrepresented in engineering classrooms?

These questions and discussions of the context of the engineering discipline and the values under-girding the work of engineers are notably absent from most skill-focused engineering curricula. This seminar is intended to fill this gap by creating a space to reflect on the impact of engineers and technologies on society and to imagine a new kind of engineering and technological development for the common good.

The course is open to all levels and all majors, including non-engineers. Freshmen and sophomores considering engineering but with reservations are strongly encouraged to enroll. There are no prerequisites other than a desire to learn about the subject and participate actively in class. Course assignments will include readings, reflections, and conceptual designs.

Want to connect engineering and social justice?

Email Brian Park ( for more info!

ENGR 202 E | SLN#: 14250

Grading: 2 Credits | Credit/No Credit

Time: Tuesday, 2:30-4:20 pm | Room: Lowe 118

Facilitators: Brian Park and Eze Klarnet |

August 6, 2014