If you’re curious about gaining business skills, working at a start-up, or using your CSE skills to run your own company, please attend next week’s informational lunch. You’ll learn about UW’s Entrepreneurship minor, the Buerk Center, funding opportunities and other resources for gaining entrepreneurial skills. Plus, free food. 🙂
Engineering & Computer Science Majors
Entrepreneurship Information Lunch
Tuesday, April 8 12:30–1:20 CSE 691
Curious about the startup scene? Looking for the skills and experience you need to take your idea to the next level? Join us for lunch and learn about all the ways YOU can get involved in entrepreneurship at UW!
Some of the things we’ll talk about include:
- The new Entrepreneurship Minor for non-business majors
- The highly-competitive Lavin Entrepreneurship Program for all majors
- The UW Business Plan Competition (awarded $1,397,000 in prize money to 112 student companies)
- The UW Environmental Innovation Challenge (awards $22,500 in prize money annually)
- Startup UW – the club for student entrepreneurs on campus
You bring your curiosity – we’ll bring lunch! RSVP here.
Can’t make it to lunch on Tuesday? Come have lunch at one of our OPEN HOUSES at the Buerk Center on Wednesday or Thursday! All majors welcome!
April 9 & April 10 Dempsey 211 12:30-1:20