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Can We Predict Viral Memes? Yong-Yeol Ahn, Indiana University Bloomington

Please join us for the following talk:

Can We Predict Viral Memes?
Yong-Yeol Ahn, Indiana University Bloomington

Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
Mary Gates Hall, Room 420

University of Washington, Seattle campus

Some videos, pictures, and memes spread through billions of people while others quickly die out. Is it because of the innate quality of the memes or because of the celebrities like Justin Bieber? Or, is it just random? In this study we focus on the early diffusion pattern of memes in terms of underlying social network structure and demonstrate that the future success of a meme can be predicted by quantifying its early spreading pattern, particularly using the community structures in the network.

Bio: Yong-Yeol Ahn is an assistant professor of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, Bloomington. He received his Ph.D. in Statistical Physics from KAIST, South Korea in 2008 and worked as a postdoctoral research associate at Northeastern University and a visiting researcher at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute before moving to Indiana University. His research focuses on the structure of networks in various complex systems such as society, culture, and living organisms.

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March 18, 2014