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Social Computing Lab Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Summer Program @ CMU

Social Computing Lab Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Summer Program
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
May 27, 2014 – August 1, 2014

****Application Deadline: March 10, 2014 ****

Program Details and Application Instructions Available here:

The Social Computing Lab at Carnegie Mellon has an exciting summer
research opportunity for undergraduate students. The Social Computing
Lab’s REU program allows talented undergraduates to spend 10 weeks
during the summer in a research laboratory at Carnegie Mellon
University. Students will conduct research in an area matched to the
interests expressed in the student’s application. Guidance and
supervision of the research project will be provided by the faculty
member as well as, in some cases, a postdoctoral fellow and/or
advanced graduate student. Seminars specific to those participating in
the REU program will be held weekly including seminars on graduate
admissions and career opportunities in science, education, computer
science and engineering. In addition, Social Computing Lab seminars
and those held by Carnegie Mellon’s Human Computer Interaction
Institute and Language Technologies Institute and will be open to the
students, giving them exposure to a wide range of research in social

Applications are encouraged from students who wish to learn to conduct
research in a modern academic research laboratory under the guidance
of experienced scientists and engineers and experiment in social
computing and online collaboration. The REU program will expose
students to the excitement and opportunities of a research career.
This experience will provide excellent preparation for students
interested in subsequently pursuing a Masters or Ph.D. degree. We seek
broad participation, including members of underrepresented groups as
defined by the National Science Foundation (African American,
Hispanic, Native American) who may be considering pursuing further
graduate study human-computer interaction, psychology or computer

Although students from other years may apply, this opportunity is most
fitting for a student at the end of the junior year of undergraduate
studies. We encourage applications from students who would like to
conduct research in the fields of psychology, computer science,
human-computer interfaces and language technologies. Each student will
receive a fellowship stipend of $4500 and housing in the REU dorms
(double occupancy) for the ten-week program. There is a $500 travel
reimbursement limit and food will also be provided.

Application Instructions:
To apply, complete the application form here:

In addition to completing the application form, please email us
( the following to complete your application:
* An unofficial copy or your latest SAT or ACT score report (if applicable)
* Two letters of recommendation (at least one from someone you have
taken a course from at your university)
* Resume
* Statement: Please answer the following: 1. Why would you like to
learn how to conduct research at the Social Computing Lab this summer
and how would this experience help you achieve your professional
goals? 2. Is there a project that you see on our website that you are
interested in? (

Please have your official transcripts mailed to: Human-Computer
Interaction Institute c/o Indra Szegedy Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15213

February 12, 2014