Do you want to know how the brain works?
Do you have a taste for or interest in math or programming? Would you like to learn more about how you can apply mathematical methods to analyze the workings of the mind or build neural interfaces? The Computational Neuroscience program is a two-year program consisting of a set of required courses and opportunities to participate in paid research in laboratories working on theoretical and quantitative neuroscience. Our goal is to encourage and enable you to cross disciplinary boundaries to address questions concerning the algorithms of computation in nervous systems—from single neurons to behavior. We are looking for students with a good quantitative background, an active curiosity and an interest in delving into basic neurobiology in a quest to unravel the workings of the brain.
The program will be appropriate for two types of applicants:
- Students interested in completing the neurobiology major who have or are willing to undertake some mathematical or computational courses to improve their analytical and modeling skills;
- Students in a quantitative major such as CSE, EE, Applied Mathematics, Statistics or Physics who are willing to take courses to obtain a solid grounding in neurobiology
Special benefits of the program include mentoring and access to research opportunities.
Please visit our website at to learn more about the program, our students and the research of faculty who are associated with it. Important dates:
n INFORMATION SESSION 4pm October 7th in Johnson 102.
n Applications are due OCT 11th.