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Mark your calendars! Spring BBQ: 6/7

Come relax before finals and join us in our Annual CSE Spring BBQ this Friday, June 7! This is an annual department wide celebration for the end of another great academic year. CSE undergrads, grads, faculty, and staff are invited.

We’ll be serving hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, other snacks, and lots of drinks*! We’ll also have inflatables and an opportunity to pie your favorite professors. If you ordered an ACM t-shirt, you can pick it up here as well!

When: June 7, 2013; 4:00pm – 7:30pm
Where: Sylvian Grove

We’ll be setting up from 2:00 – 4:00pm. Want to help? Contact the ACM officers at acm-officers[at]cs…

*Must be 21+ and have ID to consume alcohol. Non-alcoholic beverages also provided. 🙂

June 2, 2013