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Very important registration notes for fall quarter – please read carefully

Hey folks,

Now that registration is well underway, we need to cover a few last minute changes:
1. Teaching Schedule is still up in the air, it depends on who we hire and who goes on sabbatical next year, so please stay tuned for that.
2. Capstones, still undecided, the catalyst survey to pre-register for 2013-2014 capstones will likely happen in early to mid June.
3. 341 is very likely going to be removed for fall quarter. We are very sorry for the late breaking news on that one, but if there is no one to teach it, well, we can’t offer the course, so 341 will hopefully be winter and spring, but probably not fall. For the 23 that are already registered, you should add a different course.
4. 311 will only be offered fall and spring, so if you have finished CSE 143 and Math 126, you NEED to take 311 this fall or it could set you back. 311 is a prerequisite to several other courses, so please aim for 311 this fall.
5. Finally, if you want to take a course that is full, you need to attempt to register for it anyways. The reason for this is that we can then see how many were unable to register and judge where to increase course sizes, so please try to register even if you see that a course is full.  We’ll be tweaking space in courses in the next few weeks for full courses. And as always, if you can’t get in, plan to attend the first week.
Thanks everyone, we’ll be making adjustments over the next few weeks, but usually this all works out in the end, so we appreciate your patience   For those of you who like to grab 4-5 CSE courses and then decide later what to take, please keep in mind this really messes with our planning, so the faster you decide what to take and drop the rest, the better for everyone.
If you haven’t seen the MyPlan feature in My UW, you should all take a look. We’ll be requiring everyone in the future to have a rough draft plan, so the sooner you start taking advantage of these tools, the better for all of us.  We’ll start referencing these more and more during our dropin and regular appointments.
That’s it for now, we’ll share more as we learn more.
Crystal Eney
Academic Advisor – Lead
Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington – Seattle
May 17, 2013