Faculty and Students,
The Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIPG) center is excited to offer our third summer school, to be held June 17-21, 2013 at the Q Center in St. Charles, Illinois! We invite and encourage utility and industry practitioners, researchers, and students to attend and explore the nexus between electrical energy systems and cybersecurity.
Scholarship opportunities are available for academic students with a demonstrated interest in power or smart grid cybsersecurity. Scholarships cover registration fees, lodging, and a small travel stipend. The deadline for all scholarship materials is April 14, 2013.
The summer school program is designed to provide an essential background in the basics of security and resiliency for cyber infrastructure in power and smart grids. Participants will also gain an understanding of the smarter energy system evolving from the power grid, as well as associated cybersecurity challenges. We’ve planned an intensive, engaging, and value-packed week of topics and activities, including an optional hands-on training lab for SCADA security assessment.
For more information about scholarships, visit:
For more information about the summer school, visit:
We hope to see applications rolling in from your institution soon! Please also help us promote these scholarship opportunities by forwarding this email to your academic colleagues. We’re also on Facebook and Twitter (#tcipgss2013).
Thank you!
Cheri Soliday, Research Program Manager
Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIPG)
Email: csoliday@illinois.edu
Phone: 217-244-6097