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ACM Weekly Events Digest 10/29 – 11/2

10/29: Mock Technical Interviews
10/30: Amazon Tech Talk
10/31: Google UW Halloween 2.0
10/31: Microsoft Office Hours
11/1: Amazon Office Hours
11/1: Facebook Tech Talk

Mock Technical Interviews
10/29; 6:00pm – 8:15pm; Atrium
All CSE majors who will be looking for a full-time job this year should consider participating in our CSE Mock Technical Interviews. At this event representatives from local high-tech companies will run CSE students through a single half-hour simulated technical interview. The sessions will place students one-on-one with a hiring manager or engineer who regularly conducts technical interviews. Interview questions will include puzzles, logic, data structures, coding and more with a ten minute feedback session following.

Amazon Tech Talk
10/30; 6:00pm – 7:00pm; EEB 125
Morgan Akers, Software Development Manager will discuss “How to build a scalable, extensible configuration store for distributed systems.”

Bring your friends and come grab a free Amazon t-shirt and food!

Google UW Halloween 2.0
10/31; 12:25pm – 1:25pm; Atrium
Dress up, get lunch and Google swag -> 😉
3 winning costumes each get a Galaxy Nexus -> 😀

[Categories for Costumes Judging]
Most Creative
Best Home Made

Microsoft Office Hours
10/31; 1:00pm – 3:00pm; Atrium

Amazon Office Hours
11/1; 12:00pm – 1:30pm; Atrium

Facebook Tech Talk
11/1; 6:15pm – 7:15pm; EEB 125
Interested in seeing what it takes to build social features into a mobile application? Facebook recently published an extensive open source codebase to make Facebook integration for iOS as simple to build and robust as possible. This is a hands-on discussion (yes, there will be code!) that will leave you with a sense of the opportunity around social and mobile, as viewed through the lens of building Facebook applications for iPhone and iPad devices. Jason Clark (speaker) is one of the engineers responsible for Facebook’s mobile developer platform; watch him build a social iOS application from scratch – syntax errors and all. Then go add social features to all your apps! Dinner and Facebook giveaways will be provided to attendees.

Please RSVP to this event page to reserve your spot: – all of the logistical/location details are included in this link so make sure to read it carefully!

October 29, 2012