An Earth and Space Science group is experimenting with 3D display and computer hardware to develop an immersive visualization system optimized for solving geologic problems. The IO components of the system would include:
(1 )Large 3D monitory(s) (> 65”),
(2) Kinect(s),
(3) Interactive pen monitor(s) (.e.g.
(4 )Data glove(s) (e.g.
Although the project would start with a simple GIS problem set, the ultimate goal of the system would be to move beyond the passive display of spatial-temporal data and emphasize the interactive refinement of complex geologic models. This could also be an opportunity for an advanced student to act as a ‘consultant’ on the project. She or he would experience a real world project with: clients who would view computer programing has a means to an end, exposure to different programing environment (e.g. C#, Python), a venue to use CSE expertise on problems where the answer is not in the back of the book, and have to deal with decisions common to research (e.g. buy a bigger monitor and upgrade an old PC or buy a small monitor and a new PC?).
Past collaborations between geologists with interesting problems and computer scientists have produced interesting results (e.g.
Now is the optimum time to get involved because the ESS group is just starting to shop for hardware.
If interested, contact Gregg Petrie, Credit is available.