Hey folks,
There have been a few changes to the 2012-2013.
*446 was removed from winter, but will still be offered in the spring
*454 Advanced Internet Systems was added to winter (capstone survey will be re-opened if you want to change your selections)
*there will be another offering of networks added in the winter, so it will now be taught all three main quarters next year
For anyone who filled out the capstone survey and would like to change your answers to make 454, Advanced Internet Systems one of your options, the catalyst survey has been re-opened.
Please note, most students currently were set to get their first choice capstone except for the fall “Kinect” capstone, that one was over-subscribed by about 7 students. Once students have about a week to go in and change preferences with the addition of 454, I’ll send out the capstone assignments via email.