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Registration Notes – please read

We need to alert all of you to some registration issues this fall.

1. There is a prerequisite change, 477 (the capstone course) will only have 466 as a prerequisite next year.

2. If a course is full, please do two things. One, try to register even though you know it’s full.  The UW registration system captures a tally, and this helps us understand if we need to open more space in a course. Two, keep watching for space to open, watch the blog for announcements for additional sections, and attend the first week to try to overload.

3. CSE 190 the web programming course will open for registration with it’s new (permanent) number late next week, stay tuned. The time , 330 MWF should stay the same.

4. Capstone survey, pre-registration will take place late May or early June, watch the blog for updates.

5. Seminars: There are a few seminars for ugrads this fall.

a. 490q: quantum computing for beginners, one credit, not graded

An introduction to computation using the fundamental laws of quantum
> physics: quantum circuit model, quantum algorithms, experimental
> implementations, recent research progress, philosophical conundrums,
> connections to classical computer science, engineering, and physics.
> Focus on intuitive/pictorial understanding. Includes guest lecturers
> and possibility of programming a D-Wave machine. Prerequisites: high
> school physics, undergrad linear algebra, curiosity.

b. 490 O: k-12 outreach, this course may or may not be offered, please fill out the survey if you’re interested and if there are enough students who express interest, it will likely be offered.

c. DUB and CHANGE seminars are usually open to ugrads, search the CSE website for information. They are listed as a 590.

May 11, 2012