Hey folks,
First, capstone registration will take place in a few weeks. We’ll send out a survey, have you request your 1st and 2nd choice for a capstone, and then we will pre-assign students for the following year, so stay tuned for that.
Second, for those interested in HCI, there is a HCDE course that you are eligible for, see details below:
If any HCI focused or any CSE-CS students interested in registering for HCDE 417 – Usability Research autumn quarter 2012, please encourage them to complete an add code request at HTTP://TINYURL.COM/6PPNAKP . Prerequisites will be waived for them.
HCDE 417 Usability Research Techniques (5) Introduces usability research methods used in the product-development process; contextual inquiry, surveys and interviews, focus groups, user profiling, usability testing, cognitive walkthroughs, heuristics, and others.