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ACM Events Digest 2/27 – 3/2

NetApp Tech Talk; Mon, February 27, 6:00pm – 7:30pm; EE 105

Join us to learn more about one of the most Innovative and GREATEST places to work!!!

Guest speakers, FREE food and giveaways!!!

Intentional Software tech talk – Making Software Intentionally; Tue, February 28, 5:30pm – 7:00pm; Commons

Intentional Software, making Software intentionally. Please join Shane Clifford, VP of Application Development for Intentional Software Corporation to learn more about the concept of “intentional software” that captures the intentions and knowledge of the users (domain) and displays it in a variety of visual projections in a structured editing environment. We are pioneering the world’s leading language workbench technology and are initially applying it to create domain specific knowledge intensive workbenches for clients with high value problems that no-one else can solve. Shane will demonstrate application of Intentional Software’s technology and methods to real world problems. Intentional Software creates and combines simple yet powerful domain specific languages that empower business and technical experts to express their knowledge and participate directly in the software creation process. Examples from vehicle design, healthcare, and other domains will be demonstrated and explained.

Winterfest; Fri, March 2, 5:30pm – 8:30pm; Atrium

Hangout with all your CSE friends this friday. Games, food, drinks.

February 27, 2012