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Tor developer meeting hackfest at CSE tomorrow!

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Melody Kadenko <>
Date: Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 6:26 PM
Subject: Tor developer meeting hackfest at CSE tomorrow!
To: cs-grads – Mailing List <>, cs-ugrads – Mailing List <>, secdef – Mailing List <>, uw-security-research – Mailing List <>, postdocs – Mailing List <>, visitors – Mailing List <>
Cc: faculty – Mailing List <>, cs-staff – Mailing List <>

Reminder!!  This starts tomorrow at 1:30pm in rm303!!


—–Original Message—–
From: Jacob Appelbaum
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 10:26 AM

Hey hey,

Recent events in Iran have piqued the interest of many about national censorship and the impact it has on everyday people. Kazakhstan is starting to aggressively filter connections. Many mobile carriers are blocking access to perfectly reasonable websites simply because they are able to do so.

Do these topics interest you?  Are you interested in security, privacy, circumvention of censorship, or anonymity?

A bunch of computer scientists, researchers and hackers are getting together to discuss Tor and related projects in the CSE building for most of next week.

Here’s an idea of the topics we’ll be discussing:

======================= Schedule ==============================


CSE – Paul Allen building room 303 until 3pm, then over to room 503 until we leave for the day.


CSE – Paul Allen building room 305 until we leave for the day.

Friday may also hold an additional meeting if there is demand.


Here’s the web page for the schedule with additional information. It is likely to be updated frequently over the next few days:

All the best,


February 22, 2012