Course Announcement
Computing for Development Capstone (CSE 490D winter, CSE 481K spring)
Richard Anderson (CSE), Ruth Anderson (CSE), Beth Kolko (HCDE)
Students will work in interdisciplinary teams to design and implement computing projects to help address health challenges in low resource environment. The projects will focus on computing technologies to support health and wellness and will tie into research underway by the Computing for Development research group in CSE and HCDE. Candidate projects include:
· Smartphone based vaccine registry to track children’s immunization and improve coverage
· Tools for developing interactive health videos
· Application builder for Smartphone based job aids
· Game based interface for simple public health modeling
· Mobile device integration with health information systems
The course is a two quarter sequence. The winter quarter course (CSE 490D) is a two-credit design seminar which meets Wednesdays, 4:00-5:50 pm, in CSE 203. Initial project design and scoping will take place during winter quarter. The spring quarter course (CSE 481K) is a five-credit CSE capstone course which will implement and test solutions developed in the winter.
This course will be the fifth offering of the CSE capstone where students have worked on technologies targeting low resource environments. Projects from previous courses continued on as research and deployment projects and resulted in publications and travel opportunities for the students involved.
For more information, please see the course web page:
Or contact Richard Anderson (