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Speakers for high school (early January)

From: Helene Martin <>

I’m (sort of) new around these parts and am working with Stuart and Marty on our intro courses.  I’m also hoping to help coordinate some of our K-12 outreach efforts — middle and high school is a great time to get kids hooked on computer science!  I have several local computer science classes asking for speakers the weeks of Jan 9th, 16th, and 23rd and would love to send some of you out to share what gets you excited about computer science.

Ideally, we’d send out a graduate student and an undergraduate student to share a bit about their research, course projects and experience at UW.  The perfect presentation would include demos, some kind of activity (design exercise, thought experiment…) and lots of energy!

Please respond to me directly if you have some interest in participating in these kinds of efforts.  I’d like brief answers to these questions:
– why are you excited about CS:
– what could you demo:
– what activities could you do with students (ok if you don’t have any in mind):

Once I get a feel for interest, I’ll set up some time to discuss common information we’ll want all students to get, talking to teenagers, ideas for activities, and general logistics.  Even if you’re not around early Jan, please respond if you have any interest in this kind of work.  We are building a UW CSE Outreach Army.



Hélène Martin

November 22, 2011