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Reminder: Vote and Smoothie Day!!! (Putnam Seminar)

Hey All!!!


0.) VOTE

If you have not voted for ACM Chair/Vice Chair please do so NOW! (or by Midnight today, just do it now so you don’t forget)

Positions, Candidates, Bios:


Vice Chair:

1.) Smoothies

Smoothie Day will happen 330-5pm in the Atrium Today, come grab an inexpensive 2$smoothie on your way out to the Quad, Balcony, or other outdoor destination.

2.) Putnam Seminar!

It’s been requested we advertise the Putnam Mathematical Problem Solving Seminar!!! They meet every Friday 330-420.  You don’t have to be a math major or have any  math completion problem solving experience to begin prepping for the contest.   The competition is the first Saturday of December, so seniors can’t really do it.  It’s a great opportunity to do some serious problem solving.  Check out their message board here

Enjoy the sunshine,


April 8, 2011