It’s finally spring quarter! Hopefully the sun comes out more! The ACM is not as active this quarter as the previous two, but we still have a few things going on.
Remember, if you don’t want to read these emails you can subscribe to one of these calendars http://flatline.cs.washington.edu/orgs/acm/events/ or http://www.cs.washington.edu/affiliates/studentoutreach.html to know what’s going on in terms of tech talks. Note that some things will only be posted here on the ugrad blog!
0.) Officer Elections
After nominations will close TODAY, Fri. April 1st at 11:59pm. Use the following link to nominate people you think would make great ACM officers (possibly including yourself).
Once nominations close, there will be a meeting on Tuesday April 5th at 5:00pm in the ACM Lounge for acm members to meet the candidates and candidates to introduce themselves. If you can’t go, either member or nominee, don’t fret, each candidate will have a short bio to represent themselves. An email will go out to nominees with further details about positions.
Officer elections will run electronically starting next Wednesday April 6th, with one election per day, 5 elections total, for 7 positions.
1.) Smoothie Day!
On Friday, April 8th from 330-5pm at a location TBA (likely the atrium) we will have our first Smoothie day of spring quarter. This is a great time to meet fellow CSE majors, have some inexpensive slushy treats, and celebrate friday! Smoothies run at $2 a pop.
2.) Isilon Tech Talk
When: Wed. April 6th, 5:30pm-7:00pm
Where: CSE Atrium
Description: Speaker is Al Hamel – Isilon’s technical manager for OneFS Performance who will talk about Isilon’s clustered file system OneFS and its impact on Data Storage. There will be free food and they are accepting Resumes! www.isilon.com/careers
3.) NetApp Info Session
When: Thur. April 7th, 6:00pm-7:00pm
Where: CSE Atrium
Description: This computer storage and data management company is voted the 5th best place to work by Fortune magazine. Check them out at http://www.netapp.com/us/careers/university/ This will of course carry free food and an opportunity to speak with recruiters!
Also, save the date May 20th 2011, this is the Spring BBQ you must go to and will hear much about in weeks to come.
Don’t forget to nominate your friends for ACM officer positions (including mine)! Happy Friday!
Chris Raastad
ACM Internal Relations Email SPAMer Guy!
PS: Don’t forget to try out GMail’s amazing new awesome feature today! It will blow you away! 😉