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Weekly Reminders: VMWare, RIM, Winterfest

Hi All,

Here is the week of ACM related things:

1.) VMWare Info Session

When: Tue, February 15, 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Where: Atrium
Description: We can’t virtualize YOU, so consider joining our team today! VMware maintains a deep connection to its academic roots. We recognize that today’s students are tomorrow’s trailblazers and appreciate the opportunity to benefit from your fresh perspective while sharing our experience with you. VMware (NYSE: VMW), the global leader in cloud infrastructure, delivers customer-proven virtualization solutions that significantly reduce IT complexity. VMware accelerates an organization’s transition to cloud computing, while preserving existing IT investments and enabling more efficient, agile service delivery without compromising control. Come hang out and get a download of VMware at VMware Campus Relations.

2.) RIM Tech Talk

When: Wed, February 16, 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Where: CSE Atrium
Description: RIM is a dynamic mobile company, come find out what they have to say about their latest technologies and joining the team!!!  It should be fun!

NOTE: As a gentle reminder, Company info sessions and tech talks exist as a benefit to the students and companies involved.  It is extremely disrespectful to the Company Presenters, ACM Officers, and CSE Department to “dine and dash”, that is get food and leave the talk shortly or immediately without staying to get something out of event.  This makes the department look bad to the company and can negatively influence the willingness of the company to come back next quarter or next year.  We will be watching out for this in the future!

3.) ACM Winterfest!

When: Fri, February 18th, 6:00pm-9:00pm.
Where: CSE Atrium
Cost: Free for ACM members, $6 for everyone else

What better way to start off the long Weekend! There will be food, drinks, boardgames, music, dancing, Kinnects, and Fun!  We will also be selling more T-Shirts.  Yahoo is the sponsor for the event. Also, Winterfest requires lots of set up and take down effort, if you are interested in helping out your help would be greatly appreciated.  If you are interested contact an ACM officer or show up 30-45 before the event starts or at the end to give us a hand.

Have a great week,

ACM Officers

February 15, 2011