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Winter Qtr: 1 Credit Engr Seminar on Preparing for Grad School

(1 credit, CR/NC)

Have you thought about life after graduation? Consider graduate school.
Offered in Winter 2011, ENGR 498b will demystify the grad school process
and help you think about whether it is a good option for you. Learn what
it’s really like to be a grad student, what sort of work you can expect
to do while you’re in grad school, and what opportunities will be open
to you after grad school. Find out how to choose schools to apply to,
how to make your application as strong as possible, and how you can get
your education paid for. We’ll address the GREs, letters of
recommendation, and ways to get an undergraduate research experience.
This course is open to all undergraduates interested in engineering, but
is particularly targeted at sophomores and juniors. We especially
encourage students from underrepresented groups to enroll, including
women, minorities, and students with disabilities.

ENGR 498b meets W 11:30-12:20 in MGH 248.

For more information, please visit

or contact the instructors:

Brian Hutchinson: brianhutchinson@ee
Julie Medero jmedero@uw

January 6, 2011