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Engineering Professional Portfolio Studio, ENGR 498 C/D/E/F

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All current and prospective engineering majors are encouraged to enroll in a one-credit course next quarter, in which you will produce a portfolio that communicates your preparedness for professional engineering:

Engineering Professional Portfolio Studio
ENGR 498 C/D/E/F, Winter 2011
Sections C/D* on Tuesdays, 3:30–5:20 pm, Loew 105
Sections E/F* on Wednesdays, 3:30–5:20 pm, Loew 205

Past portfolio studio students have described the sessions as uniquely valuable for preparing for job applications/interviews and graduate school admissions.  They also said they benefited from the chance to identify, reflect on, and integrate their engineering learning experiences and professional goals.

All engineering students are invited to enroll.  Pre-major undergraduates intending to major in engineering are also welcome.

This studio is offered as a course meeting in five, two-hour sessions.  This is a one-credit course, and grading will be credit/no-credit.  See the time schedule for details:

*NOTE:  Sections C&D may be combined if enrollment in each section is low.  The same goes for Sections E&F.  The instructor will contact all registered students, in this case.

More information and past feedback:

Please direct questions about this course to Ken Yasuhara <>.

December 2, 2010