Hey all,
I am sure you guys are feeling it this week, somehow EVERYTHING congregated to the same week: applications, homeworks, projects, midterms, an epic let down of a Husky football game, academic rebound after an eventful weekend, and a never ending torrential downpour!
But hang in there! ACM and CSE is here for you! We are not here to distract you from your midterm power studying, don’t overdoit on events! But rather, we provide a serving of sanity to encourage a short healthy breaks to keep your mental machinery moving! Here’s the sumary:
0.) Stanford President John Hennessy, “The Future of Research Universities”, Tuesday November 2nd, 330-430, CSE Atrium
Another, most likely, Atrium filling talk, this should be interesting!
1.) Facebook Info Session, Tuesday November 2nd, 6:00-7:00pm, EE105
The usual, food, talk, swag, and resume drop off. Come see what it is like to work at a website you use (too much) every day!
2.) Amazon Info Session, Thursday November 4th, 5:30-6:45pm, EE105
“How amazon is reducing entropy in the cloud.” This is our local internet shopping supergiant, but they do alot more then just that. You should know what to expect from tech talks by now.
3.) CSE Fall Fest!!! Friday November 5th, 5:00-9:00pm, CSE Atrium
Remember, Remember, The 5th of November!
This is ACM’s largest, most awesome, social event of the quarter! I hope this can be a reward for a tough week! The doors open at 5pm and the festivities will be in full swing by 6pm. Cost is FREE for ACM members (you can join at the door), and $6 for non-acm members (feel free to bring your non-cse friends). So what exactly is going on:
- Free Food
- Free Drinks
- Free BEER (for over 21 people with valid ID, our lovely advisors will be carding mercilessly)
- Board Games: Munchkin, Blockus, Settlers of Catan, and much more
- Video Games: Rock Band, Smash Bros, Wii, some N64?!
- DJ and Music: to get your groove on.
- Facebook Table
- ACMW Table
- ACM Table
Feel free to resurrect your Halloween costume one last time for the year! We would very much appreciate a Facebook RSVP http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=171057026244043.
4.) 10-Hour Microsoft Puzzle Challenge, Saturday November 6th, 10am-8pm, Microsoft Campus
Ok, this is long, i doubt many will compete. This is not at all an ACM event, but something i found interesting. But, if you can’t get enough mental competition you might be interested in this event. Food, shirts, and other prizes are provided. For the enthused, to compete, grab some friends and sign up here http://www.collegepuzzlechallenge.com/.
Chris Raastad
ACM Internal Relations