Communicating Science to the Public Effectively ASTR 599B (sln 10562)/BH 597 (sln 10876) Autumn 2010
2 credits (Credit/No Credit)
Meets Mondays 2:30-5:20 in Bagley 154
In this course, students will
– develop and practice several analogies to distill their research
– produce animations or visualizations of their research
– create a variety of concise research promoting statements
– practice story-telling and ways of connecting with the public
– learn improvisation, acting games and lessons
– engage in weekly readings and discussions
– hear from guest speakers on science communication
At the end of the quarter, each student will produce a 30 minute public talk to be delivered during the winter quarter’s Engage: The Science Speaker Series. http://engage-science.com/
Questions? Email Eric Hilton hilton@astro.washington.edu
Sarah Garner, M.Ed.
Department of Astronomy
University of Washington
Physics/Astronomy C-319 Phone: 206-543-9590
Box 351580
Seattle, WA 98195