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Registration and overloading

We have decided to manage overloads a bit differently this year. In the past we’ve kept overload request lists, and the process of maintaining and managing those lists is difficult for many reasons, so we’re going to try a new system.

If you are interested in a course this fall that is full, keep monitoring it for space to open.  If you are still unable to get into the course by the time the quarter starts, attend the first week. Instructors will give out add codes by Friday of the first week if there is room in the course to overload. The only course that we think will be too oversubscribed is CSE 378. For those of you still needing that course, remember that there will be one final offering of 378 in winter 2011.

If you have trouble registering due to prerequisites, you should contact an advisor for assistance.

Capstone requests will go out the first week of June, which includes CSE 454 offered this fall.

CSE 390 is now posted:

Restr  20209 A  1       T      130-220    EEB  125                                 Open      0/  55  CR/NC         %     
                        SYSTEM AND SOFTWARE TOOLS                                                                                                                           
May 21, 2010