16th Annual
Martin Luther King Jr.
Math and Science Celebration
at the
Pacific Science Center
Thursday, January 15th, 2009
8:30-1:30 pm
450-fourth and fifth graders from five Seattle area elementary schools will attend the celebration. UW student volunteers will serve as tour guides for the event, leading groups of children through the PSC exhibits and a laser show. UW student volunteers also play the role of mentor to young children who may not see college in their future. The school children will also hear a motivational presentation from a professional & student who will speak about the importance of education, overcoming barriers as well as an array of opportunities that exist in math science, technology and engineering.
The event, held each January, honors the work and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The Math and Science Celebration was founded by Dr. Constance Rice in 1992. The program is sponsored by Microsoft and coordinated by Seattle Public Schools, Engineering Advising & Diversity Center, and the Pacific Science Center.
To Volunteer please register at: https://catalysttools.washington.edu/webq/survey/dass/66618
Rahel Gebreab
Engineering Advising Diversity Center
Phone: 206-685-8361